For instance, a Microsoft Surface Pro 6 can provide data to a 4K portable monitor but requires a 4K adapter to do so. Larger portable monitors require more data than other monitors. It is important that a laptop, adapter, or device connecting to the portable monitor is capable of supplying this amount.
These connections help transfer the larger amounts of data needed for high-resolution displays. Most large portable monitors receive HDMI, micro HDMI, or USB-C connections, although they are not limited to those options. The larger the monitor, the more data it is required to transfer.
Most will need adapters (e.g., USB to HDMI) to connect the computer to the monitor itself. The largest USB portable monitor (the ASUS MB169B) we found is 15.6.’’ Meaning the monitor can be powered from the laptop using a USB port and cable. The largest portable monitor we found is 17.3.’’ The majority of portable monitors (both USB, USB-C, and other connections) are 15.6.’’ Some manufacturers make smaller models in the 13’’-14’’ range.